Solo Art ExhibitionOctober 2019

Sarah Miller is the Photography & Digital Artist Spotlight winning artist for the month of October 2019. She is a Digital artist, writer, and indie game designer based in Virginia, USA.

Sarah’s Solo Art Exhibition will be featured on the website for the month of October 2019. The gallery will promote Sarah and his work on the Fusion Art website, individual online press releases to hundreds of outlets, email blasts to over 3,500+ buyers, collectors, galleries and art professionals, in online event calendars, art news websites and through the gallery’s extensive social media outlets.  Fusion Art’s objective is to promote the Artist Spotlight winning artists, worldwide, to art professionals, gallerists, collectors and buyers.

Please read Sarah’s Biography below as she describes her history and inspiration in her own words. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see her exhibition.

If you are interested in purchasing any of these award-winning pieces, or to see more of Sarah’s work, please visit her website.

Also, please visit Fusion Art’s YouTube Channel to see Sarah’s Solo Art Exhibition Video.

Thank you to all the artists who participated in the Artist Spotlight competition and congratulations to Sarah and the other Artist Spotlight winning artists.

Artist Biography

Digital artist, writer, and indie game designer, Sarah Miller creates in a world of her own existential fantasy. Based out of a small Virginia mountaintop, with her husband and two dogs, Sarah’s work dances between an array of subjects, exploring fantasy, surrealism, and existential ideas through characters and visual storytelling. Her work has been described as dark and thought provoking, “beautiful and terrifying,” but to Sarah, her illustrations have always been merely an honest look at the darkness and beauty balanced inside our minds—painting by color the words she has often struggled to find for her own story.

Like many artists, Sarah found her eye for visual expression at an early age. As her mind and interests grew, a love of fantasy, games, movies, and animation inspired much of her artistic development. Her undergraduate years took her studies from studio arts to game design and animation at the Art Institute of Washington. There she learned to bring her 2D illustrations to the next level, finding immense satisfaction within digital creation. Coupled with her other passion for creative writing, she pursued a combination of storyboarding, scriptwriting, and other classes dedicated to telling stories through visual arts. After years of study between day jobs and relocating, Sarah earned her Bachelor of Individualized Study at George Mason University in Visual Design and Narrative.

Since her time at university, Sarah has built a professional portfolio through various freelance projects, worked as Creative Director for local businesses, and illustrated comics that help teach children with autism. Now, thanks to a recent development from years of seed sowing, Sarah focuses on her art full-time, immersing herself in her passion projects. Within the coming years, she hopes to self-publish two distinct works: an indie tabletop RPG called “The Hunters,” which she has been creating alongside her husband/ creative partner, and a graphic novel of her own design that explores depression and mental illness, “Crow & Arrow.”

Much of Sarah’s creative career and adult life were inspired by her personal path of self-discovery, and how few mental health resources there were available to figuring out the eccentricities of her own mind. After some late, life-changing diagnoses, she was inspired to discover that, who she is—who she had always been—as an artist was intertwined with those symptoms. Her art was, in itself, a result of the symptom, but also a cure. Through her art and story work, Sarah hopes to create awareness and generate discussion about mental health, encouraging viewers to find voices for themselves through her worlds and characters.

Though she got her start in pencil and inks, she now prefers painting digitally with her CINTIQ tablet, usually in Photoshop. Motivated by her fascination with philosophy, psychology, and existential themes, Sarah looks forward to the day where she can turn what she has learned into valuable inspiration and resources for others who are navigating their own existences, creating a community where people can feel less alone.

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