Solo Art ExhibitionJune 2019

Lyn Darlington is the Digital & Photography Artist Spotlight winning artist for the month of June 2019. She is an award-winning Australian photographer and digital artist, who specializes in nature and wildlife photography.

Lyn’s Solo Art Exhibition will be featured on the website for the month of June 2019. The gallery will promote Lyn and her work on the Fusion Art website, individual online press releases to hundreds of outlets, email blasts to over 3500+ collectors, galleries, buyers and art professionals, in online event calendars, art news websites and through the gallery’s extensive social media outlets.  Fusion Art’s objective is to promote the Artist Spotlight winning artists, worldwide, to art professionals, gallerists, collectors and buyers.

Please read Lyn’s Biorgraphy below as she describes her history and inspiration in her own words. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see her exhibition.

If you are interested in purchasing any of these award-winning pieces, or to see more of Lyn’s work, please visit her website.

Also, please visit Fusion Art’s YouTube Channel to see Lyn’s Solo Art Exhibition Video.

Thank you to all the artists who participated in the Artist Spotlight competition and congratulations to Lyn and the other Artist Spotlight winning artists.

Lyn Darlington’s Artist Statement

Lyn is a passionate photographer from the Central Coast N.S.W. Australia. Her love of photography, nature and wildlife integrate together as one. Lyn from a young age has always wanted to travel to Africa which she achieved a few years ago this gave her the opportunity to spend days watching and photographing wildlife and birds in there natural environment. Lyn enjoys the magic of the digital darkroom, photography is the beginning of the creative process she then enhances the scene as she sees fit, all part of her photographic art journey. Lyn hopes her art stirs emotions and inspires people to do there part to help protect and conserve animals all around the world. Lyn has had images published in the Australian & New Zealand Artist Down under magazine and has had the privilege of being a featured artist in this magazine.

Click any image to bring up the lightbox slideshow