Solo Art Exhibition December 2017


Kong Ho is the Traditional Artist Spotlight winning artist for the month of December 2017. He is a Pennsylvania based artist and associate professor, trained in both Chinese and Western visual art.

Kong’s Solo Art Exhibition will be featured on the website for the month of December 2017. The gallery will promote Kong and his work on the Fusion Art website, individual online press releases to hundreds of outlets, email blasts, in online event calendars, art news websites and through the gallery’s extensive social media outlets.  Fusion Art’s objective is to promote the Artist Spotlight winning artists, worldwide, to art professionals, gallerists, collectors and buyers.

Please read Kong’s Biography and Artist Statement below as he describes his history, training, inspiration and process in his own words. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see his exhibition.

If you are interested in purchasing any of these award-winning pieces, or to see more of Kong’s work, please visit his website.

Also, please visit Fusion Art’s YouTube Channel to see Kong’s Solo Art Exhibition Video.

Thank you to all the artists who participated in the Artist Spotlight competition and congratulations to Kong and the other Artist Spotlight winning artists.

Kong Ho Biography

Kong Ho utilizes his bicultural background as a teaching artist professionally trained in both Chinese and Western visual art to teach as associate professor of art before his retirement. After earning his M.F.A. from Texas Tech University with major in painting (1994), Ho held the teaching positions in various regional and national universities. Ho has received a Fulbright U.S. Scholarship (2009-10), taught mural painting at the National Academy of Art in Sofia, Bulgaria, for 5 months; VSA Arts Teaching Artist Fellowship (2008-09); Sasakawa Fellowship (2005); and Fellowship for Artistic Development (1999). His structured painterly abstraction coupled with representational spiral paintings have been exhibited in more than 115 international and national exhibitions including United States, Canada, Germany, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Japan, China, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines and Hong Kong. His award-wining art has been collected by the organizations as Binney & Smith Corporate Art Collection, The Weeks Gallery, VSA Arts, The Columbus Art Guild, National Academy of Art, and Hong Kong Heritage Museum.

Kong Ho Artist Statement

Every place has a history, a continuous lexicon of experiences and occurrences archived in the landscape. History is merely representative of the past as it only constitutes recorded instants in time. In contrast, the past encompasses the totality of life that goes by unnoticed. Not all events of the past leave an evidentiary trace, and just as some locations evolve and transform as time progresses, others erode and fade, leaving only memories filtered by a range of perspectives to account for the array of life that happened there.

In my drawings, I am exploring the concept of history as a synthesis of the past and present, in which multiple vantage points of numerous incidents are juxtaposed in a single visual expanse. The large scale drawings depict detailed environments overloaded with imagery embedded in the landscape. Multitudinous viewpoints are perceived as the viewer excavates the layers within the thematic montage of places, architecture, events, and culture. The result is a multifaceted ephemeral panorama that meanders through space, time, and history.

The collages are comprised of a combination of printed images and found photographs seamlessly melded with pen, ink wash, and transfer techniques. The images are compulsively superimposed, rendering dynamic scenes that traverse elements of the past, present, and future.

Click any image to bring up the lightbox slideshow