Solo Art ExhibitionFebruary 2018


Jeremiah Gilbert is the Digital & Photography Artist Spotlight winning artist for the month of February 2018. He is a Southern California based award-winning photographer and avid traveler who strives to see beyond the obvious to capture something unique. This includes finding unusual perspectives and distinct angles.

Jeremiah’s Solo Art Exhibition will be featured on the website for the entire month of February 2018. The gallery will promote Jeremiah and his work on the Fusion Art website, individual online press releases to hundreds of outlets, email blasts, in online event calendars, art news websites and through the gallery’s extensive social media outlets.  Fusion Art’s objective is to promote the Artist Spotlight winning artists, worldwide, to art professionals, gallerists, collectors and buyers.

Please read Jeremiah’s Biography and Artist Statement below as he describes his inspiration and process, particularly for this “Circular World” series in his own words. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see his exhibition.

If you are interested in purchasing any of these award-winning pieces, or to see more of Jeremiah’s work, please visit his website.

Also, please visit Fusion Art’s YouTube Channel to see Jeremiah’s Solo Art Exhibition Video.

Thank you to all the artists who participated in the Artist Spotlight competition and congratulations to Jeremiah and the other Artist Spotlight winning artists.

Jeremiah Gilbert Biography

Jeremiah Gilbert is an award-winning photographer and avid traveler. His travels have taken him to over seventy countries and territories spread across five continents. His photography has been published internationally, in both digital and print publications, and has been exhibited in the Unites States, Europe, and India.

Jeremiah Gilbert Artist Statement

In my photography, I like to challenge myself to see beyond the obvious to capture something unique. This includes finding unusual perspectives and distinct angles. Some of my subjects are quite beautiful, others dusty and derelict. My hope is to inspire those who see my work to look more carefully at the world around them, to discover beauty in unusual and unexpected places.

For this particular project, “Circular World,” I have been traveling with a circular fisheye lens, which projects a circular 180-degree angle of view image within the photo frame. This lens not only distorts reality but also captures an immense amount of detail, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in each captured, spherical world.


Click any image to bring up the lightbox slideshow