Solo Art Exhibition August 2017


Irene Sirko is the 3-Dimensional Artist Spotlight winning artist for the month of August 2017. She is an award-winning sculptor based in Canada.  She works with a variety of mediums including stone, bronze, clay and cement fondue, wire, metal, and glass, among others.

Irene’s Solo Art Exhibition will be featured on the website for the entire month of August 2017. The gallery will promote Irene and her work on the Fusion Art website, individual online press releases to hundreds of outlets, email blasts, in online event calendars, art news websites and through the gallery’s extensive social media outlets.  Fusion Art’s objective is to promote the Artist Spotlight winning artists, worldwide, to art professionals, gallerists, collectors and buyers.

Irene has participated in many group shows & exhibitions including at The Art Gallery Mississauga, Bezpala-Brown Gallery, Arta Gallery, Oseredok Gallery, Canadian Sculpture Centre, KUMF Gallery, QECCC Gallery, Etobicoke Civic Centre Art Gallery, Paper Mill Gallery and John B. Aird Gallery. Irene also participates in The Artist Project.  She is a member of the Sculptors Society of Canada, Artists In Canada, Ukrainian Association of Visual Artists of Canada and the Toronto West Arts Collaborative

Please read Irene’s Biography and Artist Statement below as she describes her inspiration and process in her own words. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see Irene’s exhibition.

If you are interested in purchasing any of these award-winning sculptures, or to see more of her work, please visit her website: Buyers and collectors can contact Irene directly through her website.

Also, please visit Fusion Art’s YouTube Channel to see Irene’s Solo Art Exhibition Video.

Thank you to all the artists who participated in the Artist Spotlight competition and congratulations to Irene and the other Artist Spotlight winning artists.

Irene Sirko Biography

Irene’s sculpture plays a very important part in her life. She always needed to express her artistic feelings. For many years, she had searched to find the right medium for 3-dimensional work. From the very first time she placed her hands on stone to sculpt, she was captivated. The freedom that comes with creating what she feels is enlightening and a perfect outlet for her creativity. Though Irene sculpted exclusively by hand for many years, she now includes the use of power tools. This enables her to expand the type of stone sculpted and thereby create sculptures that are more interesting. Her art training includes Toronto School of Art, Wilfrid Laurier University, Haliburton School of Arts and private studies. She continuously experiences other media to expand her creativity base. She has sold her sculptures internationally and has completed commissioned works that are now in private collections.

Irene Sirko Artist’s Statement

Irene experiences an indescribable freedom when she sculpts. She has no preconceived idea as to what the sculpture will be, what it will look like. This freedom provides her motivation to continue. Focusing on the abstract allows her creativity to find its own end. The basis for her creativity can be summarized as FEEL, FLOW & FORM. When working with stone, she is constantly feeling the curves and lines being created. The continuous flow of the work is critical. In the end, the form is pleasing to the eye and flows as a whole. Irene sculpts in soapstone and alabaster and develops her sculpture slowly to allow the medium to reveal its form over time. Her style is to create sculptures that are simple, diverse and organic in nature. People use their imagination to experience the sculpture on a personal level. One of her admirers was holding one of her smaller works in their hands and said it brought them a sense of peace. Overall, Irene would like others to appreciate stone as a medium, sculpture as an art form and abstract as an open-ended way of having new perspectives, whatever that may be for them.

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