3rd Annual Figures & Faces Art ExhibitionOctober 2017
“You would hardly believe how difficult it is to place a figure alone on a canvas, and to concentrate all the interest on this single and unique figure and still keep it living and real.”~Edouard Manet

Best in Show (Traditional)
by Nadine Manuel
Oil on Canvas , 36″ x 24″, NFS

Best in Show (Digital Art & Photography)
“The History of Warsaw”
by Harry Longstreet
Photography, 19″ x 20″, $750
Welcome to Fusion Art’s 3rd Annual Figures & Faces International Online Juried Art Exhibition for the month of October 2017.
For this competition artists were encouraged to share their best best artistic vision and interpretation of the human form – both figures and faces. The artwork could range from realism to surrealism to abstraction and all artists and photographers, regardless of location or experience, were encouraged to submit their best representational or non-representational art and photography.
We once again received a diverse collection of quality artwork from artists all around the world including the US, Canada, United Kingdom, Latvia, South Korea, Cyprus, Israel, Australia, Spain, Romania, Taiwan, Germany, Slovenia, Italy and South Africa.
Each month Fusion Art presents awards in two categories: Traditional Art and Digital Art & Photography. The Best in Show winners are Nadine Manuel for her oil on canvas, “Selfie” and Harry Longstreet for his photograph “The History of Warsaw.” Both Nadine and Harry are Fusion Art’s Featured Artists for the month of October 2017 and, as the Best in Show winners, both artists are invited to participate in Fusion Art’s 3rd Annual Group Show in November 2018.
Other award winners include Second Place winners, Faramus for his oil on canvas, “On the Edge” and Michael Gerry for his photograph on metal, “Seated Nude.” Third Place awards were given to Anca Stefanescu for her mixed media print on canvas, “Synchronicity” and Barbara Mierau-Klein for her digitally enhanced photograph, “Lady Prothea.”
This month, eight honorable mention awards were given as special recognition due to the exceptional quality of the art received for this competition. Honorable Mention awards in the Traditional Art category were given to Julia Jenkins for her acrylic painting, “Metamorphosis,” Shabana Kauser for her oil on canvas, “Identity”, Seon Young Kim for her oil on panel, “Jared” and Elzbieta Karnas for her oil on canvas, “Sunshine.” Honorable Mention awards in the Digital & Photography category were given to August Naude for his photo printed on canvas, “Scarred”, Monique Sullivan for her instant film photograph, “Gemini Series 011”, Peter Connolly for his photographic print, “Greg Francis Portrait” and Dan McCormack for his pinhole camera archival pigment print, “Vera_J_06-10-16–07AB.” Please visit the Monthly Winners Page to learn more about each of these award winning artists and/or to contact them directly about their work.
The remaining finalists in the exhibition all exemplify uniquely creative talents and we’re honored to showcase their artwork on the Fusion Art website.
As always, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the competition participants. While not all the artwork that was submitted was selected for inclusion in the exhibition this in not necessarily a reflection on any one artist’s talent and/or skill. It takes courage for artists to offer up their art up for critique by others and all the artists should be applauded for their efforts. We appreciate all of you sharing your extraordinary talent with us.
For anyone interested in purchasing any of the artwork in this exhibition, please contact the artists directly. Fusion Art does not engage in selling the artwork featured in any of its monthly online exhibitions. All purchase inquiries should be directed to the artist. You will find the artist’s website and/or email information below their work.
Thank you for visiting our website and enjoy the exhibition!

2nd Place (Traditional)
“On the Edge”
by Faramus
Oil on Canvas, 60″ x 42″, $3,000

2nd Place (Digital Art & Photography)
“Seated Nude”
by Michael Gerry
Photography on Metal, 18” x 20”, $800

3rd Place (Traditional)
by Anca Stefanescu
Mixed Media Print on Canvas, 39″ x 39″, $2,300

3rd Place (Digital Art & Photography)
“Lady Prothea”
by Barbara Mierau-Klein
Digitally Enhanced Photography, Size & Price Upon Request

Honorable Mention (Traditional)
by Julia Jenkins
Acrylic, 18” x 24”, $715

Honorable Mention (Traditional)
by Shabana Kauser
Oil on Canvas, 18″ x 24″, $800

Honorable Mention (Digital & Photography)
by August Naude
Photo Printed on Canvas, 36” x 36”, $965

Honorable Mention (Digital & Photography)
“Gemini Series 011”
by Monique Sullivan
Instant Film, 3.5″ x 4.25″, NFS

Honorable Mention (Traditional)
by Seon Young Kim
Oil on Panel, 18” x 18”, $1,000

Honorable Mention (Traditional)
by Elzbieta Karnas
Oil on Canvas, 33″ x 40″, $1,400

Honorable Mention (Digital & Photography)
“Greg Francis Portrait”
by Peter Connolly
Photographic Print, 8” x 12”, $180

Honorable Mention (Digital Art & Photography)
by Dan McCormack
Pinhole Camera – Archival Pigment Print,
30″ x 24″, $1,500 (Framed)
Exhibition Finalists
Click any image to bring up the lightbox slideshow