Solo Art Exhibition August 2017


Carol Kleinman is the Digital & Photography Artist Spotlight winning artist for the month of August 2017. She is a California based photographer whose work is exclusively devoted to photographing reflections.

Carol’s Solo Art Exhibition will be featured on the website for the entire month of August 2017. The gallery will promote Carol and her work on the Fusion Art website, individual online press releases to hundreds of outlets, email blasts, in online event calendars, art news websites and through the gallery’s extensive social media outlets.  Fusion Art’s objective is to promote the Artist Spotlight winning artists, worldwide, to art professionals, gallerists, collectors and buyers.

Please read Carol’s Biography and Artist Statement below as she describes her history, inspiration and process in her own words. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see Carol’s exhibition.

If you are interested in purchasing any of these award-winning pieces, or to see more of Carol’s work, please visit her website: Buyers and collectors can contact her directly through her website.

Also, please visit Fusion Art’s YouTube Channel to see Carol’s Solo Art Exhibition Video.

Thank you to all the artists who participated in the Artist Spotlight competition and congratulations to Carol and the other Artist Spotlight winning artists.

Carol Kleinman Artist Statement

My work is exclusively devoted to photographing reflections. In this age of layered, manipulated, “Photoshopped” images, I am dedicated to capturing reality through the un-manipulated “single exposure”. My message is – “the world is a visually complex place and we can explore the many layers of life through the apparent layers found in reflections.”

A great deal of the impact of my work stems from the fact that my images actually existed at a specific time and place and are not my creations or manipulations. Nothing I do is set up or manufactured. What you see in my images is what I saw. My images say, “Look more deeply…notice the complexities of life…enrich yourself with the wonders that surround you at each moment.”

Over the past 30 years I’ve worked in many media, among them sculpture, oils, watercolors, glass, collage and construction. The type of photography I have done for the past 20 years combines a great deal of what I’ve learned from these media, particularly collage. The most exciting thing to me about the photography I do is its direct connection to reality – the capture of a moment in time.

Carol Kleinman Biography

Born in Hawaii, I spent my formative years on the island of Oahu and in San Francisco. I attended the University of Hawaii and hold a MFA from Claremont. My work has been recognized in exhibits in Los Angeles, Palm Desert, Seattle, Washington, Washington D.C. and Moscow, Russia. I am a member of LAAA, Gallery 825 and currently exhibit at TAG Gallery in Los Angeles.

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