5th Annual Leaves & PetalsArt ExhibitionNovember 2019
Best in Show
"Bird of Paradise"
by John Guiseppi
Colored Pencil
Best in Show
(3 Dimensional)
"Forest Floor"
by Evelyn Gottschall Baker
Kiln-Formed Glass
Best in Show
(Digital Art & Photography)
"Phase 1 & 2"
by John Diephouse
Welcome to Fusion Art's 5th Annual Leaves & Petals International Online Juried Art Exhibition for the month of November 2019.
For this competition, both 2D and 3D artists were encouraged to share their best art and photography depicting flowers, leaves, herbs, plants, shrubs, bushes, hedges and other botanical or floral subjects. All artists, over the age of 18, regardless of location or experience, were encouraged to submit their best figurative art and photography.
We once again received a diverse collection of quality artwork from artists all around the world, including the US, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Korea, Israel, Brazil, Japan, Finland, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Jamaica, Singapore and the Netherlands. Overall the gallery judged 559 entries for the exhibition, which will be featured on the website for the month of November.
In this monthly themed exhibition Fusion Art presents awards in three categories: Traditional Art, Photography & Digital Art, and 3-Dimensional Art. The Leaves & Petals Best in Show winners are John Guiseppi for his colored pencil, “Bird of Paradise", John Diephouse for his photograph, "Phase 1 & 1" and Evelyn Gottschall Baker for her kiln-formed glass, "Forest Floor". John, John and Evelyn are Fusion Art's Featured Artists for the month of November 2019 and, as the Best in Show winners, all three artists are invited to participate in Fusion Art's 4th Annual Group Show in Palm Springs in 2020.
Other award winners include Second Place winners, Laurie Snow Hein for her oil on canvas, "Razzmatazz", Shelley Benjamin for her digital photograph, "Sign of Spring” and Karen Ford for her wood, cornhusk and grass. "Water Lilies". Third Place awards were given to Phillip Zubiate III for his colored pencil, " UnBEElievably Dahlicious", Anatoliy Anshin for his digital photograph, "Hokaiji Lotus 1" and Ann Nall for her decoupaged glass, "Leaves and Petals". Fourth Place awards were given to Pauline Clay for her colored pencil, "Fall's Fading Beauty", Rosemary Miklitsch for her photograph, "Stained Glass" and Irene Sirko for her plaster, "Petals". Fifth Place awards were given to Nathalie Beck for her colored pencil, " Pink and Purple Encouragement", Emily Weber for her photograph, "Focus" and Todd McAneeley for his wood, "The Wind Storm".
Please visit the Monthly Winners Page to learn more about each of these award winning artists and/or to contact them directly about their work.
In addition, this month, twelve honorable mention awards are given as special recognition due to the exceptional quality of the art received for this competition. Honorable Mention awards in the Traditional Art category were given to Maura Williams for her oil pastel, "Hawaiian Ginger"; Denise Westcott for her watercolor, "My Iris Garden"; Hunter Jay for his acrylic on linen, "The Wild Place"; Yvonne Rojas-Cowan for her alcohol ink, "Flower Explosion"; Paul Gala for his oil on aluminum, "Morning Song" and Cher Pruys for her watercolor, "Peonies".
Honorable Mention awards in the Photography & Digital category were given to Tina Elizabeth Watson for her photograph, "My Sunshine", Cindy Vondran for her digital photograph, "Blue Magic", Lillian Ruedrich fo her digital photo artwork, "The Everyday Sublime", Y. Hope Osborn for her photograph, "Flower Child", Eric Stampfli for his photograph, "The Bee" and Fretta MM Cravens for her photograph, "Flower Individual 18".
The remaining finalists in the exhibition all exemplify uniquely creative talents and we're honored to showcase their artwork on the Fusion Art website.
Fusion Art strives to create interesting and enjoyable art exhibitions with a variety of artistic styles and media represented. The art that is selected is based on the theme of the exhibition and the gallery's objective is to include, in every Fusion Art exhibition, a broad representation of quality, style, media, creativity, originality and artistic composition. Art tells a story and we strive to select artwork, particularly for awards, that make the viewers think and wonder what story the artist is trying to tell.
As always, we'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the competition participants. While not all the artwork that was submitted was selected for inclusion in the exhibition this in not necessarily a reflection on any one artist's talent and/or skill. It takes courage for artists to offer up one's art up for critique by others and all the artists should be applauded for their efforts. We appreciate all of you sharing your extraordinary talent with us.
For anyone interested in purchasing any of the artwork in this exhibition, please contact the artists directly. You will find the artist's website and/or email information below their work.
Please visit our YouTube Channel to see the Traditional, Photography & Digital and 3-Dimensional videos for the exhibition.
Thank you for visiting our website and enjoy the exhibition!
2nd Place
by Laurie Snow Hein
Oil on Canvas
2nd Place
(3 Dimensional)
"Water Lilies"
by Karen Ford
Wood, Cornhusk, Dried Timothy Grass
2nd Place
(Digital Art & Photography)
"Sign of Spring"
by Shelley Benjamin
Digital Photography
3rd Place
"UnBEElievably Dahlicious"
by Phillip Zubiate III
Colored Pencil
3rd Place
(3 Dimensional)
"Leaves and Petals"
by Ann Nall
Decoupaged Glass
3rd Place
(Digital Art & Photography)
"Hokaiji Lotus 1"
by Anatoliy Anshin
Digital Photography
4th Place
"Fall's Fading Beauty"
by Pauline Clay
Colored Pencil
4th Place
(3 Dimensional)
by Irene Sirko
4th Place
(Digital Art & Photography)
"Stained Glass"
by Rosemary Miklitsch
5th Place
"Pink and Purple Encouragement"
by Nathalie Beck
Colored Pencil
5th Place
(3 Dimensional)
"The Wind Storm"
by Todd McAneeley
5th Place
(Digital Art & Photography)
by Emily Weber
Honorable Mention
"Flower Explosion"
by Yvonne Rojas-Cowan
Alcohol Ink
Honorable Mention
(Digital Art & Photography)
"Flower Individual 18"
by Fretta MM Cravens
Archival Digital Print Photography
Honorable Mention
"Hawaiian Ginger"
by Maura Williams
Oil Pastel
Honorable Mention
(Digital Art & Photography)
"Flower Child"
by Y. Hope Osborn
Honorable Mention
"My Iris Garden"
by Denise Westcott
Honorable Mention
(Digital & Photography)
"The Everyday Sublime"
by Lillian Ruedrich
Digital Photo Artwork
Honorable Mention
by Cher Pruys
Honorable Mention
(Digital & Photography)
"Blue Magic"
by Cindy Vondran
Digital Photography
Honorable Mention
"The Wild Place"
by Hunter Jay
Acrylic on Linen
Honorable Mention
(Digital & Photography)
"The Bee"
by Eric Stampfli
Honorable Mention
"Morning Song"
by Paul Gala
Oil on Aluminum
Honorable Mention
(Digital & Photography)
"My Sunshine"
by Tina Elizabeth Watson
Exhibition Finalists
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